Some notes I made on DrupalCamp Ghent 2009 on 11 and 12 december. Mainly for my own reference, so please don't read any further.

Kristof De Jaeger presented his Display Suite module. He showed how it can be used for "theming" a node through an UI. Looks very interesting.

Kristof Van Tomme (from Pronovix) talked about

Dieter Beheydt showscased some cool tools from Development Seed:,

Jo Wouters from Krimson talked about Open Publish. Pantheon is a Drupal image for "in the cloud" deployment of Drupal. E.g. the Mercury image is a highly optimized Drupal image.

Elasticfox: a Firefox plugin providing an UI for Amazon's EC2 web service.

Debug trick: print a backtrace with debug_backtrace() or with devel's ddebug_backtrace().

Better Formats module: better input format handling. E.g. set default input format per role.

The talk about image (and multimedia) handling mentioned some interesting modules:

  • Insert module (previously called the FileField Insert module): insert images in posts. Works with and without WYSIWYG interfaces.
  • Image Resize Filter
  • IMCE module: provides image browser
  • Apture module, which helps with embedding images (and more) in content.
  • open source video solution stack
  • Embedded Media Field
  • Zemanta module suggests (based on text analysis) images or other content to embed in a post. Also see

The talk about theming mentioned some starting themes:

CSS frameworks too:

SEO talk mentions some important SEO modules and concepts